Sunday, September 2, 2007

How to customize system messages in Exchange Server?

This is typically used when there is a need to customize system messages. For example, if there is a mailbox storage limit, and the default message that goes to the mailbox owner when a warning threshold is reached, needs to be customized, there are no options available through a GUI. These messages (and other system messages) can be customized by modifying a DLL file where all the system message contents are stored. A word of caution before editing DLL files:

1) They will be overwritten each time a patch or service pack attempts to upgrade the file to a newer version
2) If Microsoft PSS is working on an issue on the server, the file will need to be replaced with the default file.
3) Any modifications to the system file like a DLL file can make the system unstable

All the system messages are stored in a file called MDBSZ.DLL. This file is located in the Exchsrvr\Bin directory.

Unlike most files, this file cannot be opened in Notepad and changes made to it. Instead, Microsoft has released a bunch of tools called as ‘Resource Localization Toolset’. This includes a tool called RLSQuikEd. This is a tool that will need to be used to open and edit the MDBSZ.dll file.

The Resource Localization Toolset can be downloaded from

It also contains a self help document called RLTOOLS.DOC

Below is the screenshot of a system message being modified by RLSQuikEd


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